Lambda Expressions in C#

 Lambda Expressions in C#


Lambda expressions are nothing but an anonymous function. i.e. Lambda Expressions have no name, no access modifiers, and no return values. 

The syntax of Lambda expression is as below:

argument => expression;

=> is called Lambda operator and we read it as "goes to".

This is equivalent of writing as below:

static public returnType functionName(argument)

Compare both these methods. The Lambda expression syntax has no name, no access modifiers, and no return values. 

If we have no arguments then, the syntax is 

    () => expression.

if we have multiple arguments, then 

    (arg1, arg2, ...) = > expression.


In the below example, which calculates square of a function, is a Lambda Expression. The second snippet uses normal function. 

Lambda Expressions:

Func<int,int> sqr =  x => x * x;

Normal Function:

static int square(int x)
    return x * x;

Hence, we use Lambda expression for convenience and readability.

Practical usage of Lambda Expression:

Lambda Expressions are very useful when we use Collections functions such as Find, FindAll.

These methods take Predicate as arguments, which is a function that contains a condition on which the collection function could apply.

If we don't use Lamda Expressions, the code looks a tad messy.

Consider the below example; I have created a list of integers.  And we shall use FindAll(). We can create the Predicate functions and pass it to FindAll() method.

List<int> numList = new List<int>()
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

var listOfAbovefive = numList.FindAll(AboveFiveCond);

static bool AboveFiveCond(int i)
    return i > 5;

foreach (int num in listOfAbovefive)

However, if we use Lambda Expression, the code looks cleaner.

List<int> numList = new List<int>()
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

var listOfAbovefive = numList.FindAll(x => x > 5);

foreach (int num in listOfAbovefive)